Accelerating Program Responsiveness

Software programs use a variety of file types to launch the program and manage the functionality. Many of the files contain instructions for other files and, after a period of time, changes from using the software, installing updates, and other activities can disrupt the communication between the files, which causes delays.

Program Optimizer scans program files and Windows files to find inefficiencies that are causing delays. Program Optimizer then provides recommendations to optimize both performance and responsiveness.

To run Program Optimizer:

1       On the Optimize tab, click Program Optimizer.

2       To start the scan, click the Scan Now button.

NOTE:    The scan make take a while to complete, depending on how many programs you have installed on your computer.

Program Optimizer shows the scan progress as it proceeds with the scan. When complete, Program Optimizer displays the results.

3       Use the scroll bar to view the entire list of results. Then, click Done.

See Also

Optimizing Windows Performance