Viewing Help Topics

The Help contains the most detailed and up-to-date information.

To open the online Help:

§       Click the Help button and choose Help Topics.

§       Press F1.

To list Help topics:

§       On the Contents tab, click the plus (+) sign to the left of a book.

§       Click a topic to open it.

To browse a list of keywords:

§       Click the Index tab.

§       To find a word in the index, in the Type in the keyword to find box, type a keyword.

§       To display the topic that uses the selected key word, click Display.

To search the Help topics:

§       Click the Search tab.

§       To find a Help topic, in the Type in the keyword to find box, type a word or phrase.

§       Press Enter or click List Topics.

§       From the Select Topic to display list, select a topic.

§       Click Display.

Most windows and dialog boxes contain Help buttons. To see a context-sensitive Help topic for a specific window or dialog box, click Help.

See Also

Reading the Online Guide

Reading The Emergency Manual

Contacting Technical Support