File cleaner provides a list of pre-defined scripts that you can use to find specific types of files. You can also use the sample script, SampleOne, to create your own script. The SampleOne script is included in the list, but should not be run as a search script.
To run File Cleaner:
1 On the Fix & Maintain tab, click File Cleaner.
2 From the Scripts list, select one or more scripts.
§ To search for compressed files that have not been accessed recently, select Archives.
§ To search for software development files, select Developer Studio.
§ To search for Windows and program error logs, select Error Logs.
§ To search for Microsoft Excel backup files, select Excel Backup.
§ To search for files that Microsoft Explorer creates when you search your computer, select Explorer Search.
§ To search for Windows installation log files, select Install Logs.
§ To search for unnecessary install programs and files, select Install Programs.
§ To search for files that Adobe Director creates when you visit web sites that use Adobe Director or Adobe Shockwave, select Macromedia Cache.
§ To search for files created when your computer crashes, select Memory Dump.
§ To search for multimedia files that have not been opened since 2005, select Multimedia.
§ To search for files that Norton anti-virus scans create, select NortonFiles.
§ To search for fax files that have not been accessed since 2005, select Old Faxes.
§ To search for DOS configuration files, select OldConfigs.
§ To search for Windows registry backup files, select Registry Backup.
§ Do not select SampleOne. It is a sample script included to help you create your own scripts. For more information, see Adding Scripts to File Cleaner.
§ To search for temporary files created by programs other than Windows, select Temp Files Other.
§ To search for Windows temporary files, select Temp Files.
§ To search for temporary newsgroup data files, dBase files, folder information files, help search files, and installation files, select TempFiles Other.
§ To search for Windows update log files, select Update Log.
§ To search for zero-length files, select Zero Length.
3 Click Next.
Cleaner runs the scripts and displays the list of files.
A green meter indicates that the file is probably safe to delete. A yellow meter indicates that the file may be safe to delete, but deleting it may cause other problems. A red meter indicates that the file is locked and cannot be deleted.
4 Click the plus sign (+) to the left a category to expand it. Each file has a meter indicating the risk level if you delete it.
NOTE: Do not rely only on the meter symbols to determine whether a file is safe to remove. If in doubt, do not remove the file.
5 Review each file. To view additional information, select the file and use the Show/Hide menu.
§ Choose Show details pane to view file information.
§ Choose Show viewer pane to view file contents.
There may be some file types that are not recognizable. Find the file on the drive and preview it using its associated program.
6 Choose an action for each file:
NOTE: You can select the top-level check box to include all of the files in the category that are not locked.
§ To back up a file and then delete it, click its check box once. A green check mark appears.
File Cleaner compresses the files and stores them in a sub-folder in the main SystemSuite folder before deleting the files. To change the backup location, see Editing File Cleaner Settings.
§ To permanently delete a file without backing it up, click its check box twice. A red X appears.
§ To keep a file, clear its check box.
7 When finished, click Next.
8 To save the results, click Save and type a name for the file.
9 Click Done.
See Also