Viewing System Information

The System Information area of the Dashboard provides details about the hardware and the operating system.

§       The Operating System shows which version of Windows is installed on the PC.

§       The System Type shows whether the PC has a 32-bit or 64-bit processor. You need this information when installing programs or drivers that provide 32-bit and 64-bit versions.

§       The Computer Name shows the computer description that is set up in Windows. The name can be changed in the Windows System Properties dialog box.

§       The Default Web Browser shows which Internet browser opens automatically when you open a web page in Windows. The default browser can be changed in the Default Programs list in Windows Control Panel.

§        The IP Address shows the unique Internet Protocol address that leads to your PC.

 Power-Saving Settings

NOTE:   The power settings can be changed in the Power Options section of your Windows Control Panel.

§       The Computer Sleep shows the amount of time that your computer will remain idle before going to sleep to save power.

§       The Display Sleep shows the amount of time that your display (monitor) will remain idle before going to sleep to save power.

§        The Processor shows the brand, type, number, and speed of the computer processor.

§        If your are using a mobile laptop computer, this information also shows the battery status and time remaining.

See Also

Viewing Disk Information

Viewing System Memory

Viewing Programs and Processes