Editing Active Intelligence Settings

Active Intelligence monitors your PC while you are using it to detect problems.

The default settings for Active Intelligence are set up to scan and fix problems in all areas, and then list the results on the Reports tab. These are the most secure settings. You can use the default settings, or you can edit them.

You can choose from three levels of monitoring.

§       Active Scan and Fix — Active Intelligence scans your PC “behind the scenes” and automatically fixes problems without your involvement. Activities are recorded on the Active Intelligence report.

§       Active Scan — Active Intelligence scans your PC and logs the details on the Problems tab. You must fix these problems manually.

§       Monitor — Active Intelligence monitors activity and reports problems that it detects on the Problems tab, but it does not initiate scans.

The Settings dialog box provides settings for each area so that you can include or exclude that area from active monitoring. You can also set up alerts so that you are notified when a new checkpoint is needed, or when a hard drive is becoming too fragmented.

To edit Active Intelligence settings:

1       Click the Settings button and click General Settings.

2       If needed, click the Active Intelligence tab.

3       In the Mode area, select the type of monitoring you want.

4       In Maintenance Monitoring, select the items you want monitored.

§       Report and delete temporary files when they exceed
Active Intelligence monitors temporary files and starts deleting them when they reach the limit you have set. If you select this option, also set a file limit.

§       Report and fix registry errors when they exceed
Active Intelligence monitors registry errors and starts fixing them when they reach the limit you have set. If you select this option, also select the number of errors allowed.

§       Monitor the SMART status of hard drives
Active Intelligence monitors hard drive health using SMART technology and reports potential problems.

§       Monitor startup programs
Active Intelligence monitors the items that start when your PC starts.

§       Monitor Internet Speed settings
Active Intelligence monitors your Internet speed for improvement opportunities.

§       Monitor computer memory settings
Active Intelligence monitors PC memory usage.

§       Last Checkpoint Created
Active Intelligence monitors checkpoints and notifies you if they are not current. If you select this option, also set the number of days between checkpoints before Active Intelligence notifies you.

§       Monitor hard drive fragmentation and notify me when the disk is
Active Intelligence monitors the amount of fragmentation and notifies you when it has exceeded the limit you have set. If you select this option, also select the drives you want to include and the percentage of fragmentation allowed.

5       In Security Monitoring, select the items you want monitored.

§       Anti-Malware threat definitions updates available
Active Intelligence detects when threat definitions updates are available.

§       Last Anti-Malware scan performed
Active Intelligence notifies you when an anti-malware scan hasn’t been within the set number of days. If you select this option, also set the number of days.

§       Active Defense status
Active Intelligence monitors Active Defense to make sure it is enabled.

§       E-mail Defense status
Active Intelligence monitors E-mail Defense to make sure it is enabled.

§       Firewall status
Active Intelligence monitors the firewall to make sure it is running.

See Also

Editing Global Settings

Editing Live Update Settings

Editing Dashboard Settings